Similar words: midnight, day and night, night, at night, by night, nightmare, overnight, night and day.
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1. The guests unmasked at midnight.
2. between the two sides ceased at midnight.
3. We stole on the enemy at midnight.
4. We finally got home at midnight.
5. They started off to Normandie at midnight.
6. The train is due in at midnight.
7. They stole up on the city at midnight.
8. They arrived in Beijing at midnight and checked into Beijing Hotel.
9. The ship pulled in to the shore at midnight.
10. The election results will be announced at midnight.
11. I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.
12. The transportation took off with its cargo at midnight.
13. They reeled out of the pub at midnight.
14. His radio stopped on at midnight.
15. The party broke up at midnight.
16. At midnight they all decided to go bathing.
17. We shall return at midnight, barring accidents.
18. The aircraft is due to take off at midnight.
19. The guard will be relieved at midnight.
20. He gave reporters the slip by leaving at midnight.
21. The planes commenced bombing at midnight.
22. The bus service stops at midnight.
23. The bell jangled at midnight.
24. She stole out of the house at midnight.
25. He cast up at midnight.
26. The guards change over at midnight.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. The newspaper will go to press at midnight.
28. The new President assumes office at midnight tonight.
29. The fireplace snuffed out at midnight.
30. He was stewing up her safety as she didn't come back at midnight.
More similar words: midnight, day and night, night, at night, by night, nightmare, overnight, night and day, highlight, light, right, might, eighth, slight, flight, height, insight, tighten, delight, all right, in sight, tightly, light up, lightly, fighter, slightly, right away, lighting, out of sight, lightning.